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What is CBN and how can it help you sleep?

One of the most well-known potential benefits of CBN is promoting sleep. If you suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder...

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CBD Info & News

What is CBN and how can it help you sleep?

Have you ever heard of CBN before? CBN is a relatively new compound that is beginning to gain popularity for its potential health benefits.

CBN is an abbreviation that stands for cannabinol. Cannabinol is a natural compound that can be found in the cannabis plant. This chemical is similar to other chemicals found in the plant, such as THC and CBD.

However, CBN has very different effects on the human body than THC or CBD. In fact, research suggests that CBD and CBN may have a range of potential therapeutic benefits such as improving your sleep quality.

CBN is a cannabinoid that occurs naturally in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBN does not have any psychoactive properties - meaning it will not get you high. However, preliminary research suggests that CBN may offer a number of other potential benefits, including:

Reducing inflammation: CBN is non-intoxicating, meaning it will not make you feel “high” like THC can. Additionally, CBN has been shown to interact with the body in a different way than THC. For example, CBN has been shown to bind to certain receptors in the brain that are linked to pain perception.

Promoting sleep: One of the most well-known potential benefits of CBN is promoting sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or suffer from insomnia or another sleep disorder, CBN may be able to help you get a healthy sleep. In one study, participants who took a small dose of CBN slept better and longer than those who did not take the compound. 

Generally, broad spectrum CBD is taken in the form of drops or capsules close to bedtime so that patients can get a restful sleep. These edibles usually come in 10-25 mg doses, and patients may adjust their dosage as needed.

Some people find that broad spectrum CBD helps improve their appetite by stimulating their digestive system and increasing their metabolism.

Additionally, broad spectrum CBD may help reduce inflammation throughout the body, which can lead to increased comfort and improved overall health.

Ultimately, broad spectrum CBD offers a variety of potential benefits, and patients should work with their healthcare providers to determine if it is right for them.

CBN is a cannabinoid that is found in hemp plants. Unlike THC, CBN does not produce any psychoactive effects.

However, CBN has been shown to be effective in treating sleep apnea and helping people fall asleep. Like CBD, CBN is available in a variety of forms, including gummies and tinctures. Side effects are rare, but may include dizziness and sleepiness.

Improving appetite: Anecdotal evidence suggests that CBN may also be effective at stimulating appetite. This effect is likely due to the fact that CBN binds to the same receptors in the brain as THC - although it does so with a much weaker affinity.

One way that CBN may improve appetite is by interacting with the body's endocannabinoid system. This system regulates a wide range of functions, including mood, sleep, and appetite. By binding to cannabinoid receptors, CBN can help to increase levels of endocannabinoids in the body, which may in turn lead to increased appetite.

If you're interested in trying CBD to improve your appetite, it's best to take it close to bedtime. This gives your body plenty of time to process the compound and experience any potential effects.

When taking CBD edibles, be sure to start with a low dose (5-10 mg) and increase gradually as needed. A restful night's sleep is also essential for maintaining a healthy appetite, so be sure to get plenty of rest!

It's important to note that CBD isn't just effective on its own; it also amplifies the effects of other cannabinoids. That's why broad spectrum CBD products, which contain a variety of cannabinoids in addition to CBD, may be particularly effective at stimulating appetite.

Where to buy CBN online?

For those looking to buy CBN online, it is important to make sure that the product is sourced from grown hemp and contains a high concentration of CBD.

Oils and tinctures are generally the most effective way to take CBD and CBN, and they can be taken orally or applied topically. When choosing a product, it is also important to consider the desired dosage. For those looking for a stronger effect, a product with a higher concentration of CBD may be more suitable.

However, for those who are new to CBD or prefer a more mild effect, a lower concentration may be more appropriate.

No matter what your needs are, there are many options available when it comes to buying CBD and CBN online.

These are just a few of the potential benefits of taking CBN. If you're interested in trying this compound, be sure to visit where you can buy:


  • CBD Gummies
  • CBD Sleep Gummies
  • CBD Tinctures
  • CBD Sleep Tinctures
  • CBD Relief Cream


They're all made with natural ingredients.

CBN is a natural compound that can be found in the cannabis plant. This chemical is similar to other chemicals found in the plant, such as THC and CBD.

However, CBN has very different effects on the human body than THC or CBD. In fact, research suggests that CBN may have a range of potential therapeutic benefits. If you are interested in trying a product that contains CBN, be sure to speak with your doctor first to see if it’s right for you.


The Strictly News blog is a one-stop source for CBD news. The site CBD News is run by a team of CBD insiders who are passionate about sharing the latest CBD research and developments with the world